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ARTXV's Community Spotlight Series

ARTXV is thrilled to announce the upcoming launch of a new series highlighting ARTXV's community: artists of neurodivergent backgrounds and unbridled talent.

The hopes of this series is to provide exposure to impeccable creativity, celebrate artists in the ARTXV community, and continue the conversation on how neurodiversity is a truly wonderful thing.

Our team’s fruitful discussions with our selected participants inspired us to share more than just their art. We want to give space in this series to further explore how traditional systems and industries often lead with narrow views on what constitutes talent, and how these artists continue to persevere and create beautiful things despite those barriers.

Each interview will be available on ARTXV's Culture page.

This project is being led by ARTXV intern Deema Alharthi, who is a writer exploring the intersection of creativity and disability justice.

Deema Alharthi is a writer currently exploring the intersection of disability justice and the arts. She is interested in processes of community-building and ways of contributing to them, both digitally and in the real world.


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