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Stand Up For Unity NFT campaign

Stand Up For Unity (#StandUpForUnity) is a global awareness campaign and platform 'encouraging a culture of unity, tolerance, respect and peaceful co-existence throughout the world'.

The #StandUpForUnity NFT campaign is a global campaign promoting awareness of the humanitarian crisis developing rapidly in Afghanistan, raising funds for resettlement of Afghan people and the education of women and girls within Afghanistan through NFT sales.

ARTXV contributed to 'Hands Off Our Girls!', the latest NFT campaign of Stand Up For Unity.

"This campaign has one message: freedom and safety for all women and girls. We focus on art collaborations between NFT Artists who are keen to give women a voice. Our first project aims to celebrate Afghan women. Each artist has used their signature style to create an NFT art piece depicting love, healing, unity and solidarity with every Afghan woman who needs a chance to live, learn, celebrate and educate the world about their culture, roots and ideologies using their own voice."


The funds raised from this campaign ensured that

  • 100 families were provided with food and healthcare for 3 months

  • 16 Afghan girls were placed in educational institutions

To read more about the campaign, visit the website here. To see more of Tara's work, check out her profile here.

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